Anyone and everyone has a place here.
See where you can join in, learn, and serve with us.
Events for all ages.
Sunday Services
We meet every Sunday morning at 10:00am at our St. Lawrence campus (main). We have a nursery space available for parents to enjoy with their babies and toddlers, as well as a kid’s program that runs during the service. We meet every Sunday evening at 6:30pm at our Canary campus. Our services are casual and relaxed - we encourage anyone and everyone to simply come as you are.
Life Groups
Life Groups are at the heart beat of Church in the City. We offer various Life Groups that bring our community together to discuss faith, study the Bible, and ask the tough questions of life in a more intimate setting. Our Life Groups ensure everyone finds a place to belong in our community of friends.
Community Events
We host regular church-wide events for everyone in our community, including our neighbours and friends! These events range from corn roasts, Toronto Island tours, skating at Nathan Phillip's Square and Blue Jays baseball games (but only when the Jays are doing well). Most events are free or very affordable and we are intentional in making the events inclusive for everyone. To learn more about upcoming events, download our church app.
For the kids (ages 5-12).
UrbanHope Summer Camps
We run our summer camp for kids between the ages of 6-12. Our camp week includes fun devotionals and motivational talks, sports and team games, creative arts and healthy snacks. We designed our camp so that no camper is left out, regardless of their abilities, orientation, or beliefs and it only costs $10/week to attend. This year we have one week of camp at Church in the City July 17th - 21st and one week of camp for the Wigwamen housing complex in the Canary District, July 24th - 28th.
UrbanHope Sundays
We want our children to learn the foundations of faith. During our Sunday service we have a great team of volunteers who teach our kids about Jesus in a fun, child-friendly way. Kids between the ages of 5-12 are invited to join our program and will be dismissed during the service.
Community Events for Kids
Throughout the year we host special events for the kids in our community. These events are almost always free to attend and are inclusive for all, regardless of age, ability, faith or gender. Our events are fun, intentional in including everyone's participation, and often include teamwork activities to encourage friendship and problem solving.
We also encourage our kids to serve our community through special community events, like Operation Backpack. To learn more, download our church app.
For the youth (ages 12-18).
UrbanHope Youth Group
GRADE 7-12
Join us every Friday at 7:00pm for a night filled with good friends, good fun, good food, a safe place, and a teaching time with Pastor Dan! Our Jr. & Sr. High youth nights are completely free of charge and all are welcome to come as you are. Follow @citctoronto on instagram for more details and upcoming events.
For the young adults (ages 18-25).
At Church in the City we have a life group for young adults, offering a welcoming place for all people ages 18-30. We provide opportunities to meet others, host events, discuss, learn, and grow in all matters related to God. Anyone interested is more than welcome to dorp in on Thursdays from 6-8 pm. Any questions can be directed to levi@churchinthecity.ca
Our #CITCanary service at 80 Cooperage Street is geared towards Young Adults & Professionals! We currently meet every Sunday night at 80 Cooperage street.

Church in the City App
Our app connects you to a variety of resources, including sermon notes, Life Groups, event info, and more. Available in the App Store and on Google Play.