Sermon Series Blog: Good Friday
Discovering Your Worth Through Forgiveness and Love
In a world that often prompts us to seek revenge or harbor resentment, choosing the path of forgiveness and love can feel counterintuitive. Yet, it's in these choices that we find the true essence of our worth, deeply rooted in the love of Christ.
The Challenge of Forgiveness
Remember a time when you chose forgiveness over retaliation? It's easy to recall moments of revenge, but real strength lies in those instances where God’s love led the way, even towards those who have wronged us.
In my life, it was far simpler to recount moments of vengeance than those of genuine forgiveness. From high school pranks aimed at getting back at a bully, I've navigated the complex emotions of hurt and the instinct for payback.
Standing Up in Love
There came a turning point during a basketball game. When a teammate, who had made school life difficult for me, was unfairly hit by an opponent, I found myself defending him. This act of solidarity, despite our past, changed our dynamic moving forward. It taught me the profound impact of responding with love, even in the most challenging situations.
Loving those who are easy to love—friends, neighbors, even acquaintances—is straightforward. The true test of our faith and character lies in loving those we consider our enemies, those who challenge our capacity for compassion.
Understanding Your Worth
In this Easter season, the message that resonates with me is the profound understanding of our worth in the eyes of God. This season reminds us of the limitless love of Christ, who died not just for the righteous but for every one of us, regardless of our flaws or how the world sees us.
A Testament of Unconditional Love
6 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 7 Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:6-8
The scripture beautifully illustrates the depth of God's love for us, a love so profound that Christ died for us while we were still sinners. This act of ultimate sacrifice is a testament to our inherent worth as children of God.
The Assurance of Divine Love
In times of worry and doubt, it's crucial to remember that we are loved beyond measure. Scriptures like Matthew 6:26 and the principles of asking, seeking, and knocking in Matthew 7 offer comfort and reassurance of God's unwavering support and love for us.
Living as a Reflection of God's Love
Understanding that the one who is worthy deems us worthy changes everything. It compels us to live our lives as a reflection of His love, reaching out to those around us with compassion and grace.
Good Friday isn't a day of mourning but a celebration of the victory and honour we have in Christ. It's a reminder that we are deemed worthy by the one who is worthy. This Easter, let's carry the message of God's boundless love to everyone we meet.
Let the Holy Spirit guide you through life's trials, removing any negative labels the world has placed on you. Remember, you are a child of God, loved and made in His image.
Conclusion: You Are Worth It
This Easter, let's remind ourselves and others of our true worth in Christ. As we reflect on His sacrifice and love, let's walk in victory and extend that love to everyone, especially those who may seem the hardest to love. You are worth it, and so are they.