Sermon Series Blog: ForeverMORE Pt.4
ForeverMORE: Living in the Overflow of God’s Grace
As humans, we often find ourselves longing for "more." Whether it’s more money, more attention, more freedom, or even more time, we’re constantly striving to fill the gaps in our lives with something that promises to satisfy. It seems like we can never have enough—no matter what we achieve or acquire. But what if the answer to all our complaints and cravings is not more of anything but more of God?
The Answer to "More" is Always God
This past month, I’ve been reflecting on a word that keeps echoing in my heart: more. We hear it everywhere—on the news, in casual conversation, in the goals we set for ourselves. “I just need more money.” “I want more attention.” “We need more freedom, more time, more government.” It’s a constant undercurrent in our culture.
But as I’ve been listening, God has been reminding me. What if what we truly need isn’t more of these things, but more of Him?
The reality is, when we allow God to increase in our lives and ourselves to decrease, so much of our complaining and longing fades away. Because the truth is, we were made for so much more than this world can offer.
If you’re chasing money, more of God will show you that you were created for a purpose far greater than financial wealth. If you’re seeking attention, more of God will help you refocus your energy on bringing glory to Him rather than to yourself. And if you’re caught up in political or social issues, more of God will remind you that He is the God of more than enough—the God who can provide for all our needs, even in times of deficiency.
When we let Christ fill us, when we let His presence overflow in our lives, we see things from a new perspective. And suddenly, more doesn’t look like it used to. Instead, it’s living in the overflow of God’s goodness and grace.
Yesterday: You Were Destined for This
Before you even took your first breath, God had a plan for you. It sounds like something straight out of a sci-fi movie, doesn’t it? But Scripture tells us that God created you with purpose. He formed you in His image, and He designed you to reflect His glory in this world.
In Colossians 1:15-20, Paul writes about the supremacy of Christ, who existed before anything was created and through whom all things were made. He is the Creator, the Sustainer, and the Redeemer of all. And because of that, your life has purpose.
But here’s the catch: while God has a destiny for you, He’s given you free will. You get to choose whether you will walk with Him. And that choice determines where you will spend your foreverMORE.
For Christ followers, we’re called to share the hope of the gospel with others. The choice between eternal life with Christ or eternal separation from God is the most important decision anyone can make—and we have the privilege of helping others find the way to life through Jesus.
As a Christ follower, our mission is clear: go and make disciples. But this isn't a light task—it’s a responsibility that carries eternal weight. Your life can point people to Christ. Every action, every decision can reflect God’s glory, and we are all called to live with that eternal perspective.
Today: The Same God Who Was Yesterday Is With Us Today
The God who created the heavens and the earth, who parted the Red Sea, healed the sick, and raised the dead, is still the same today. In Psalm 121, we’re reminded that no matter what we face, we can lift our eyes to the Lord—the Maker of heaven and earth—because He is watching over us.
No matter what season of life you’re in—whether you’re facing trials, difficulties, or uncertainties—God is with you. He is your helper, your provider, your protector. The same God who walked with the Israelites through the wilderness is the same God who walks with us through every challenge. He will never leave you or forsake you.
Even when it feels like the world is coming at you with every weapon it can muster, we can take comfort in knowing that God is with us. Just as He promised to be there with the three men in the fiery furnace (Daniel 3), He will be there in the fire with you. Even in the darkest moments, you are not alone.
ForeverMORE: The God Who Is With Us, Forever
God doesn’t just promise His presence for today. In Hebrews 13:8, we read, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forevermore.” This truth assures us that the God who was faithful in the past, the God who has been with us through every season, is the same God who will be with us forever.
And as we look to the future, there is a promised hope: the day will come when Christ returns and ushers in a new heaven and a new earth. 2 Peter 3 reminds us that although we may face scoffers and doubts in this world, the promise of Christ’s return is sure. He is patient, not wanting anyone to perish, and His return will bring about a new creation where righteousness dwells.
Until that day comes, we live in the hope that God has not forgotten us, and He will never abandon us. We live for forevermore—with the assurance that our future is secure in Christ, and nothing in this world can take that away.
What Will You Do With Your ForeverMORE?
Church, as we journey through this life, we are not merely passing through. God has called us to live with eternity in mind. And as we move forward, we are tasked with sharing the good news of Christ with the world, inviting others to experience the hope, peace, and love that only He can give.
As we move toward communion today, let’s remember the price Jesus paid for our eternity. He gave His life so that we could have life with Him, both now and forever. And let’s commit to living our lives with that forevermore perspective, knowing that God’s presence is with us yesterday, today, and forever.
If you’re going through a tough season, if you’re facing challenges that feel insurmountable, remember that the same God who conquered death and darkness is with you. You are never alone. And He’s ready to overflow His grace, mercy, and love into your life, if only you make room for more of Him.
Let’s live in the overflow. Let’s live with the hope of foreverMORE.
Lord, we thank You for the promise of Your presence in our lives—yesterday, today, and forevermore. We ask that You fill us with more of You. Help us to see beyond our complaints and desires, and to find our satisfaction in Your love. Empower us to share Your message of hope with those around us, so that all may experience the joy and peace of living in Your overflow. In Jesus' name, Amen.