Sermon Series Blog: Encounter Pt.5

Church, if you’ve been around CITC for a little while, you know I love sports. You may also know it’s Super Bowl Sunday. And guess what? I can actually see into the future! I know who’s going to win the game... Okay, I’m joking—I can’t see the future. But here’s my "expert" analysis: the Kansas City Chiefs, featuring Taylor Swift, will make history. This obviously didn’t age very well, but the Kansas City Chiefs, definitely made history, with one of the worst losses in NFL history!

All jokes aside, let’s get some real talk going. As much as I love sports, this game is just a small thing in the grand scheme of the world. The Super Bowl will have about 125 million viewers. But do you know what’s greater? Over a billion people will be worshipping and praising God today. This day belongs to Him.

Why do so many worship on Sundays? Because we know the script has already been written. If you’re new here, let me tell you the gospel truth: none of us are perfect. We are sinners, we are broken, we have faced and will face challenges. But here’s the good news— we have hope!

Our hope is in John 3:16: For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son... Jesus paid the price for our sin. The Bible teaches that the wages of sin is death, but Jesus, the sinless one, took our place. He died for us, and three days later, He rose from the grave—conquering death and offering us eternal life. The choice is ours: life with Him or life without Him.

So why do we gather as a church? Not just for community or tradition, but to bring our best to God. To encourage one another and declare that it’s all about Jesus.

Hope in Brokenness

Maybe today, you’re feeling like life is attacking you from all sides. You’ve heard “No weapon formed against me shall prosper” (Isaiah 54:17), but it feels like those weapons are breaking through. Let me remind you: God is a God of restoration.

You may be carrying rejection, past trauma, grief, addictions, financial struggles, sickness—but God takes broken pieces and restores them. He turns mourning into dancing, sorrow into joy, and ashes into beauty. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you.

Inspiration Beyond Motivation

My prayer today is not to just motivate you. Motivation lasts a few days. Inspiration from God changes lives. My prayer is that the gospel truth inspires you—so much so that you would:

  • Be willing to step out in faith like Peter walking on water.

  • Trust in God’s plan even when it doesn’t make sense.

  • Believe that Jesus can take what little you have and multiply it beyond your imagination.

The Arrival of the Holy Spirit – Acts 2

John 14:23-27 sets the foundation. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit—the Advocate—would come. After Jesus’ death and resurrection, He didn’t leave us alone. The Spirit of God dwells in us.

Acts 2 begins with Pentecost, 50 days after Passover. The disciples were gathered together in obedience to Jesus' command. Then, the Holy Spirit arrived like a mighty rushing wind.

Acts 2:2-3 - Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house... They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.

Filled with the Holy Spirit, they spoke in different languages. People from every nation heard their own language being spoken. Some were amazed, some were skeptical, but God was moving.

Peter’s Powerful Sermon

Peter, the disciple who once denied Jesus, stood before the crowd and delivered one of the greatest sermons in history.

Acts 2:17 - In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.

Peter explained that this outpouring was the fulfillment of prophecy. And at the end of his sermon, 3,000 people gave their lives to Jesus.

Walking in Faith

Church, let’s walk in faith today. God’s Word is alive. If you want to hear God’s voice, read the Bible. This is how He speaks to us.

Let’s allow God to move in us. Let’s be so convinced of the gospel that we are willing to follow Him no matter what. Because God is still writing your story. Keep pressing, keep believing, and keep standing—because in Him, victory is already yours!




Sermon Series Blog: Encounter Pt.4