Sermon Series Blog - Encounter Pt. 6

Good morning, Church!

I have been loving our series called ENCOUNTER! Church, can you say encounter? WE ARE PRAYING FOR A GREAT ENCOUNTER WITH OUR HEAVENLY FATHER!

We are praying for God to build us up into Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, Holy Spirit-empowered followers of Christ. Followers who:

  • Treasure Jesus above all things.

  • Don’t just wear the label of "Christian" but live it out.

  • Are so convinced of the Gospel that there is no shadow of doubt that Jesus loves us, created us, has given us purpose, and has a plan for our lives.

Our mission is to share the Good News of hope—to make Christ known wherever God has placed us!

We have an international church family joining us online from Canada, the USA, India, the Philippines, Malaysia, Uganda, Barbados, Vietnam, and more! Yet, the Gospel remains the same, and our mission remains the same: to love God with all we have and to love others as He loves us.

A Challenge to the Church

Let me ask you, Church—how have you done this past week? Have you shared the love of Christ with someone? Have you loved the Lord with all you’ve got?

This week, I was deeply encouraged by one of our online church friends—a video gamer who realized that after crying out to God and receiving blessings like a job and housing, he had still put God on the back burner. But by faith, he is making a change. He is lifting his troubles to God and inviting fellow gamers to join him in church through an online platform. They are growing together, studying the Word, and encouraging one another. A life group is forming!

So, Church, I ask you: Are you allowing God to do a good work in you?

The Holy Spirit in Us

The effectiveness of sharing the Gospel is not about your ability—it’s about your obedience.

Last week in Acts 2, we saw the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It marked the shift where the Holy Spirit now dwells within all believers, not just prophets and priests.

That means you—yes, you—have the Spirit of God within you. The same Spirit that:

  • Helped prophets bring down walls,

  • Parted the seas,

  • Conquered death itself!

Imagine if we all walked with that kind of faith! But let’s be real—many of us rely on our own strength rather than on the Spirit. I am preaching this to myself, too.

Your Spiritual Gifts Matter

God has given each of us spiritual gifts:

  • Some of you are prayer warriors—called to intercede for others.

  • Some of you are leaders—gifted to love and serve the marginalized.

  • Some of you have the gift of healing—but fear is holding you back.

Church, let’s stop being passive Christians. Let’s be followers of Christ who treasure the Lord above all things, listen to the Holy Spirit, and use our gifts for His glory!

Learning from Peter & John

In Acts 3, we see Peter and John encounter a paralyzed man begging for money at the temple gate. Instead of ignoring him, they stop and look directly at him. Peter boldly says:

“Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”

And instantly—the man jumps up, runs, and praises God!

Point 1: Share the Truth

Church, how often do we walk past those in need? Right here in our city, we see people hurting, broken, addicted, and homeless.

Some of you have testimonies of how God has pulled you from addiction, from hopelessness, from the brink of death. Yet, you hesitate to pray for others who are in the same position you once were in.

God wants to use you! You don’t need money or a title—you need faith.

What if you stepped out and prayed for someone? What if, like Peter, you declared healing, deliverance, and hope in Jesus’ name?

Point 2: Point People to Jesus

After the miracle, people are in awe, and Peter boldly declares:

“Why do you stare at us as if by our own power we made this man walk? It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through Him that has completely healed him.” (Acts 3:12-16)

Peter didn’t sugarcoat the truth. He reminded them that they rejected and crucified Jesus, but God raised Him from the dead.

Church, are you pointing people to Jesus?

In Acts 3:19, Peter calls them to action:

“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.”

That’s the Gospel: turn to Jesus, receive forgiveness, and be refreshed.

A Call to Encounter the Holy Spirit

Church, do you need a fresh encounter with the Spirit of God?

Maybe you feel lost, unworthy, or unsure of your calling. Maybe you are carrying burdens, anxiety, and fear.

But in the presence of God—everything changes.

If you are struggling, be honest with yourself. Ask the Holy Spirit to move in your heart.

Closing Prayer

Lord, we thank You for Your Holy Spirit. We ask for boldness, obedience, and faith to follow You wholeheartedly. Stir up our spiritual gifts and lead us to be Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, and Holy Spirit-empowered followers of Christ.

We pray for encounters with You that change our lives and the lives of those around us. May we be a church that shares, points, and walks with people in faith.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Church, let’s not just be labeled Christians—let’s live it out. Let’s treasure Jesus above all things.

This week, take the challenge:

  • Share the truth of the Gospel.

  • Point people to Jesus.

  • Walk with them in spiritual maturity.

Let’s encounter God together. Are you ready?
