Our New Podcast
Church in the City now has there own podcast! Currently you can listen to the Sunday sermon and there is going to be even more content to come! Alongside our YouTube channel, we want to share the Sunday service and create Christian content that you can’t find anywhere else. If you are looking for a leadership podcast or a devotional….we know there is so much content out there…GO FIND IT! We want to give some Christian content that is unique and challenging for anyone thinking about the Christian faith!
Some upcoming content:
Got Questions? - Episode 1
We have asked you to send in any question you may have about the Christian Faith and we will be answering those questions for you!
511 - Episode 1
At Church in the City…511 is a term that comes from:
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”
So when we share 511’s, it’s a chance for us to share prayer requests, praise reports, and testimonies! These episodes will be filled with testimonies that will encourage, challenge, convict, and bless all who listen! First episode is coming out Sunday, November 28th!